Journey On…

Journey On Purpose JOP. We are on the move again.

I woke up with a very timely song on my mind. Nothing I Hold On To by Will Reagan and United Pursuit. The lyrics are “I lean not on my own understanding. My life is in the hands of The Maker of Heaven. I give it all to you God, trusting that you’ll make something beautiful out of me. I give it all to you God”

There are a lot of things I am so excited about. If you know me at all you would expect my response to be just that, excitement. While I am excited, I have also come face to face with a few feelings that are unfamiliar. I am at loss for words to even express what these feelings might be. They are not full thoughts as of yet. I just sense something different than any of the other times we have moved.

I guess for starters its the fact that we are not moving into another home as we have in the past. We have purchased an RV and have decided to take this show on the road. Like for real.

I know… So give me a few minutes as I collect my thoughts ( which have run so very far away from me) and I will get into the details. Soon.


Perseverance 2023
